Heritage Artists


Bev Cantry - President



Happy New Year to all! Hope everyone’s Christmas was wonderful!

The IHA Christmas Party was fun thanks to Kris Neff and Steph Abernathy.

I am looking forward to this year with IHA as your president. My goal is to learn new techniques and have fun doing what we love!

We will be selecting a charity for this year. If you know of one that could use our help, please bring the information to the meeting. We will collect your submissions and have a vote in February.

Teachers for this year’s projects: Think of something that will possibly teach a new skill or new ways to work on old skills. We have a lot of new members that want to learn.

We need chairs for several committees. I will have sign-up sheets at the January meeting for chairs and also committee members to help the chairs. Please consider working on a committee.

See you on January 18th .


Idaho  Heritage Artists
Currently meeting at CapEd Administrative Office - 275 S. Stratford Dr Meridian, ID
Pat Marler, President
Glenice Powell, Webmaster