Heritage Artists


Pat Marler - President



IHA Members

Can you believe the summer is nearly over? For me, it has been a long, long summer. I am glad to see fall right around the corner.

Congratulations to those of you who entered your projects in the fairs. You know, this is an excellent way to advertise our art form and let others know they, too, can learn to paint. Our turnout this year was down. I spoke with two ladies at the state fair who were really interested in painting and did not know we existed. Please bring your fair exhibits to the meeting to share.

Also, congratulations to Lisa and Marilyn for a fantastic effort to bring IHA to the fairs. We have had multiple people sign up to come to the September meeting. Hopefully, they will follow up on their commitment. You are all welcome to come and paint at the meeting. If there are too many new painters, members will not paint. (What a great problem to have!!!!!)

Julie, Nominating Committee Chair is searching for candidates for office for 2025. Remember without leaders, there can be no organization. Please notify her with your intent to run for office. If each of us does a little, no one person has to do a lot.

There is an art yard sale scheduled for September 14 in the CapEd parking lot. There should be more details in the newsletter.

I am looking forward to welcoming painters in September – maybe even a few new members.

Happy September!!!

Paint with a Happy Heart





Idaho  Heritage Artists
Currently meeting at CapEd Administrative Office - 275 S. Stratford Dr Meridian, ID
Pat Marler, President
Glenice Powell, Webmaster